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Organize an event

Any event (commercial, sporting, cultural, etc.) in the public domain (square, public thoroughfare, sports complex, green space in the city, etc.) must be the subject of an authorization request.

Those in charge of associations must upload their event organization file, and submit it at least 2 months before the date of the event.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The files, signed by the president of the association, must be returned by mail to the town hall.


Riec sur Bélon town hall

4 Rue François Cadoret, 29340 Riec sur Bélon

Phone. 02 98 06 91 04

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Fiche de renseignements préalable à l’organisation d'une activité ponctuelle

Annexe 11

Tarifs de location des salles et cautions bancaires

Annexe 12

Formulaire Cerfa 14098-02


Convention cadre de financement aide sanitaires-tampon

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